Elasticache on AWS slower than the RDS call


I've been attempting to use elasticache on aws to cache some of my data for faster retrieval, but calling elasticache (an m1.small instance) is slower than calling my RDS instance! Any tips on how to optimize or fix this issue? All of my instances are in the same zone.


Best Answer

I can confirm this problem with AWS Redis Elasticache. In my case I get atm more than 5000 ms delay when I run netcat call:

time nc -vz my-redis-cache.cache.amazonaws.com 6379

Connection to my-redis-cache.cache.amazonaws.com 6379 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
real    0m5.005s
user    0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s

The issue comes sporadically, and I can't see any pattern or problem from the Monitoring -view. We are using Redis heavily for mostly writing counters.

Since 5000ms rendering time is unacceptable for our customers, I have no other answer than not to use Redis or Elasticache. I switched some cache on a memcached running on localhost on the EC2 instance.