Elasticsearch: no JDK found… but JAVA_HOME seems set properly


When I'm trying to install elasticsearch (Ubuntu 16.04) I get the error message:

elasticsearch[15885]:  * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME

But I have only one Java and I think JAVA_HOME is set properly…

$ echo $JAVA_HOME

Best Answer

This usually means when elasticsearch is starting up it cannot find the JAVA_HOME variable. You need to make sure JAVA_HOME is globally set. If there is a init.d or elasticsearch startup file put it there. Also you can add it in /etc/default/elastic or create a profile for elasticsearch in /etc/profile.d/elasticsearch.

So to recap, first debug and understand where the problem lies: 1) check how elasticsearch is starting up; 2) check the init/start up file and 3) Then put the JAVA_HOME in the appropriate place.

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