Email sent, but recipients do not receive it


I have been struggling for this issue for months. I have a website, that the registration requires email authentication. I did a check (daily), the statistics are quite interesting. Everyday, out of 300++ users sign up, only 50 – 60 % are activated. There is one time, when my website traffic suddenly burst up, I have around 1000++ users signup per day, and it last about 1 week. However, the statistics still show that only 50 – 60% users are activated. I dont think its a coincidence, since the statistics always shows 50 – 60% users are activated. (I check my database everyday)

I guess, maybe my emails were treated as spams, and thus not able to reach the recipients. But I wonder, how many emails does FaceBook send per day? For me, I received about 20 – 30 emails from them everyday. We all know that, facebook has millions of users, I cant imagine how many emails were sent per day. Those mails are not considered spams?

Is my hosting company responsible for this? or its my script/programming problems?

Here is my server information:
OS: Windows
Web Server: IIS 6
Web Languages: HTML, PHP, JS + Jquery
Mail Server: MailEnable Standard

Best Answer

Did you read Jeff Atwood's - So You'd Like to Send Some Email (Through Code) ?

If you are willing to pay money to avoid the hassle of setting up domain keys, reverse ptr record, sender id, etc., use a third party mail provider like SendGrid.

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