Emails to AOL address arrive with incorrect Sent Time


People in our company have been emailing a person with an AOL email address (let's say

The first problem was that the emails were taking hours to arrive. This isn't a big deal.
However, what we've also found is that the emails are arriving with a wildly inaccurate sent time included.

For example, if I send an email from to (both of us being in the UK) at 16:00, when Bob eventually gets the email and replies to it, the email body it says my email was sent at 07:45. The inaccuracy is not even a specific number of hours.

I did wonder if Bob's date and time settings in Windows were wrong (as detailed in AOL help), but surely that would not affect a time flag set on sending?

I'd be grateful for any pointers please (as Bob is not a happy person).

Best Answer

It quite possibly is. A lot of email clients will take their time from the time it arrived in the recipient's mail client, not whatever is in the message headers.

Without the message headers, or knowing whether Bob is using AOL's website or a mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird, it's impossible to say for sure.

Get the message headers from Bob to find out what timestamps each mailserver is adding to the message, and find out how he's checking his email.

If the time is set right on your mailserver and email client, it's most likely a problem at Bob's end.