Email Server – Yahoo Emails Ending Up in SPAM Folder Despite SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Pass


Are we possibility having a reputation problems with Yahoo emails?

Yahoo raw mail header finds my policy I published: dmarc=success(p=REJECT,sp=REJECT)

Emails to clients at Google and Outlook are not ending up in spam, but Yahoo is.

Finally a week back we solved the dkim 'FAIL' with domain we were experiencing for a good long time.

This is a copy of the latest xml dmarc report from Yahoo:

<?xml version="1.0"?>   
    <org_name>Yahoo! Inc.</org_name>    

It looks like we are all good to go.

So I tested by sending an email, and my emails ended up in my Yahoo spam folder.

I must mention that my text/plain raw block under

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

still has some formatting issues. It has lots of =3D20 and other strings inside it. Making it hard to read, like in here:

=3DEF=3DBB=3DBF =3D0D =3DE2=3D9D=3DA4 =3DC3=3D84pfel fallen von B=3DC3=3DA4=
ume wenn sie =3D
=3DC3=3DBCberreif      =3D20
 sind, oder wenn der Wurm im Apfel steckt.          =3D0D =3D0A=3D

(It is work in progress for now.)


I since changed my dmarc DNS record from v=DMARC1; p=reject; ... to v=DMARC1; p=none; ... and will see if that could be the reason why they sometimes do not even get delivered; not even in spam!

and now I am back to: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; ...


Today we received an estimate inquiry request from a email. He did not receive our automated estimate email reply.

We found this fact out by sending him a separate email, without any links in it, yet still using, but that email ended up in his spam folder.

Response received from

Authoritative response (AA): No
Recursion available (RA): Yes
Truncated (TC): No

Answer section:
A-record for
    IP address:
    TTL = 10800 (3 hours)

Additional section:
EDNS0 options:
    UDP payload size: 1280
    DNSSEC OK (DO flag): No

looking up IP I get this:

Response received from

Authoritative response (AA): No
Recursion available (RA): Yes
Truncated (TC): No

RCODE 3 - Non-Existent Domain

Authority section:
SOA-record for
    Primary DNS server:
    Responsible person:
    Serial number: 2019121901
    Refresh interval: 3600
    Retry interval: 1800
    Expire interval: 2592000
    Default / minimum TTL: 300
    TTL = 300 (5 minutes)

Additional section:
EDNS0 options:
    UDP payload size: 1280
    DNSSEC OK (DO flag): No

We also used to have AT&T as ISP, also providing us with a rDNS entry at the time (for a different IP address.)


Here are my DNS settings (a partial outtake.) I use Simple DNS Plus as controller.

enter image description here

I just noticed that there is an entry for with a lower priority number of [10] (marked in blue), whereas has [11]. I only have spf, dkim and dmarc setup for IP, so I went ahead and removed that entry. I am not sure if that could have been causing an issue. Gmail and Outlook have been OK with that configuration.

Some time back, well before spf, dkim and dmarc it was suggested to have two IP's to not end up in spam. I am not sure if this is still so.


I have been monitoring my dmarc reports. I use to read them. here is my report from August 31, 2020 to September 14, 2020, also here as image:

enter image description here

On Sep. 2nd Yahoo! Inc. recorded a dkim fail, and on Sep 7th a dkim pass (but without notation of the dkim result.) It looks like we are still having issues with Yahoo.

In the report, it looks like we have had two impersonation attempts. One by, and another by, if I am reading this correctly.

Further more, I since added an image-tracker to my "requesting-an-estimate" auto reply emails. Like this I can identify if a user is getting the email they requested.

Request from email addresses from these domains


logged the image as requested.

These did not return a request for the image, from which I can conclude (with some assumption) that the email got never viewed (and probably ended up in spam):



I am now gradually moving towards dmarc reject policy for failed emails.

This is new policy

v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=25; rua=mailto:[left out]; ruf=mailto:[left out]; sp=reject; fo=0:1:d:s;

Best Answer

  1. Yahoo! uses Spamhaus, make sure your outgoing IP isn't listed there.
  2. Fill the Contact form and wait for someone from Verizon team get in touch with you
  3. Check the Yahoo Deliverability FAQs and make sure you are compliant with their statements
  4. There's way more to deliverability than having the SPF/DKIM & DMARC Record setup (rightly configured) - Make sure your sending practices are on good terms. (Not receiving too many bounces, validating email addresses in case of cold marketing, respecting opt-out leads' decisions, getting rid of unengaged users, etc.)