EMC CLARiiON – merge raid groups, retain LUN’s


Not sure this is possible, but…

Let's say you have two raid groups, each striped across 6 disks. Group 1 has 2 LUNs, Group 2 has two LUNs – is it possible to merge the raid groups (i.e. gain striping across 12 disks) and retain your 4 LUN's (intact)?

Might be something to run past my EMC engineers, but figured I'd toss it out on here for discussion. I know I can take an existing raid group and add disks, and it will integrate and expand the group – so I was wondering if I can take that to the next level and simply merge groups that aren't fully utilized, and increasing my I/O.

This is on a EMC NS-20

Best Answer

No, you can't change the RAID groups without removing all LUNs from the RAID groups. You can move the LUNs to another RAID group, then destory the RAID groups, build the new one, then move the LUNs to the new larger RAID group.

That or create new LUNs on the existing RAID groups, and create meta-luns across that span the RAID groups, then migrate the LUNs to the meta luns.

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