Empty files in /var/spool/postfix/maildrop/


I've got Postfix 2.5.5 running on a Debian 5.0 server. Very small volume, no incoming mail, only sending out occasional notification emails sent from a web app and internal (system) emails like cron notifications. Web application sends mails using SMTP to localhost.

A few days ago, during a spike of web traffic, monitoring graphs for queue levels went up, and maildrop queue stays at 40 since then. Monitoring graphs number of files in /var/spool/postfix/*. After looking in, I see about 40 empty files in /var/spool/postfix/maildrop/.

When I use 'sendmail' after shutting down Postfix, a file appears in maildrop but it contains binary data; after starting Postfix, it disappears and mail is delivered. I can't find any information on empty files in the queue directory – is it expected? Harmful in any way? Or is making graphs look ugly its only function? Can I safely delete these files?

Best Answer

If they are empty, it probably won't hurt to delete them. Not sure why there are empty files in your queue, could be any number of reasons. When you delete them, make sure you use postsuper -d <queue_id>.