Enable mousewheel scrolling in rxvt under Cygwin


I currently use Cygwin and rxvt as my default terminal environment running bash. I would like to be able to scroll in the output window using the mouse wheel. Is this possible?

I realize there are (at least) two different use cases for this:

1) Scrolling in the scrollback buffer while in terminal/input mode (same as sliding the scrollbar on the window itself).

2) Scrolling in programs such as man and less, where using the up/down arrow keys.

Any solution to either cases are welcome.

Update I just realized case 1) is not relevant. This already works. 🙂

Best Answer

I wrote an application to do exactly this in a HP-UX remote desktop app I use at work. It maps the mouse wheel to the up and down keys. Works great for me let me know if you like it...

Edit added links to the source and dll.

Disclaimer!!! I am not much of a coder(as my SO account will show) and haven't looked at this particular script since I wrote it I'm sure it badly written. Constructive input would be great but just telling me I suck isn't helpful!

data.joncopas.com/download/scrolled.dll data.joncopas.com/download/Scrolled2.au3 data.joncopas.com/download/Scroller.exe