Enabling filestream on SQL Server 2008


When trying to enable filestream to a SQL Server 2008 I've got this message:

There was an unknown error applying the FILESTREAM settings. Check the parameters are valid.

And now in the FILESTREAM tab of the properties of said server I read:

A previous FILESTREAM configuration attempt was incomplete. FILESTREAM may be in an inconsistent state until re-configured

Do you know what might have gone wrong? What parameters is it taking about? Do I need to reset anything to be able to try again?

I've tried with filestream_enable.vbs, but that failed too:

c:\Users\pupeno\Downloads\EnableFilestream>cscript filestream_enable.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Machine: .
Level: 3

Current Filestream configuration:

InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER
AccessLevel  = 0
ShareName    = MSSQLSERVER
RsFxVersion  = 0103

Calling method EnableFilestream with new level

Method failed: hr = -2147024894

New Filestream configuration:

InstanceName = MSSQLSERVER
AccessLevel  = 0
ShareName    = MSSQLSERVER
RsFxVersion  = 0103

Best Answer

I have encountered this problem before, and what solved it for us was using the command line tool to enable it from the command line. You can get the tool here.