Enabling quota and doing quotacheck on reboot


I have setup quota for home directories on ubuntu 10.04 server. I followed these tutorials: 5 Steps to Setup User and Group Disk Quota and Disk Quota This code I used at fstab file:

/dev/sda1 /home ext4
1 1

I have doubts about whether following steps are necessary:
Adding quotaon -a >/dev/null 2>&1 to /etc/rc.local and adding quotacheck -avug to /etc/cron.daily/quotacheck

Best Answer

Ubuntu takes care of installing the startup script and periodic quota warnings. Look at the filelist of the quota package, /etc/init.d/quota turns quotas on:

# snip
# snip

The cron file at /etc/cron.daily/quota runs /usr/sbin/warnquota. Note that quota's are working realtime, warnquota mails the user if they've exceeded their soft limit.

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