Entering Private Key Passphrase with Putty Command Line PSFTP.exe


I'm using psftp.exe to automate a file download but need to connect with a private key as explained below. I am able to connect, however, the private key requires a Passphrase.

This procedure works but I have to enter the Passphrase from the keyboard, which defeats the process of running from command line. I would like to know if anyone can tell me how to send the Passphrase in the command line.

Using Putty's PSFTP.exe With A Private Key

Command Line:

    c:\putty\psftp.exe username@ftpsite.com -i putty_id_rsa_1024.ppk -b c:\putty\myscript.scr

Command Line Notes:  Replace username with your login name and modify the "putty_id_rsa_1024.ppk" key name to match your key. In order to use a key, you will need to use puttygen.exe to generate, import, and or export your keys. PuTTY requires a putty key file to make a private key connection. 

myscript.scr file contents:

cd /
put File1.txt

put File2.txt

put File3.txt


Script Notes: Each command is a standard Unix navigation command.  

As mentioned above, can anyone tell me how to send the private key Passphrase in the command line?

Best Answer

Why not just remove the passphrase from the key? There is no value in having a passphrase on your key if you are just going to save the password somewhere in a config file or script.

Just load up your ppk file with puttygen, remove the password and save.

You can certainly make a copy of your ppk just and strip the phrase just from that copy, and then protect that copy with filesystem ACLs to minimize the risk.