Equivalent of `nice` for filesystem IO


When I'm running an rsync backup job which involves copying over large files, the machine running the backup (both Mac desktops and Linux servers) grinds to a halt and the load average goes through the roof.

I've tried:

  • niceing the rsync process (doesn't help – the bottleneck is the disk)
  • On Linux, reniceing a kjournald (helps, but seems like a hack and doesn't work on the Mac)
  • Using the --bwlimit rsync flag (helps, but it means all the transfers are slow – even when they don't need to be)

So, is there any way I can "nice" rsync's IO so the machines are useable while the backup is running?

PS: I'm aware of the dangers of rsync on the Mac… But I've used BackupBouncer to verify my backups, though, and they seem OK.

Best Answer

It looks like the setpriority API on Mac OS X is supposed to be able to alter IO scheduling (see http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man2/setpriority.2.html). I don't have any MacOS handy so I can't test that nice actually changes the IO priority.

On the Linux side, ionice is what you're looking for.

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