Error 404 when accesing newly created ASP.NET website on IIS 7.0


I've created an ASP.NET website and published it to a file from visual studio. Then I've copied my folder to the inetpub\wwwrot directory. Next under IIS I've converted this folder to the application.

Unfortunately, when I try to acces it like this: http://localhost/myappname I am getting 404 error. I was thinking that maybe IIS is not configured to process aspx files, but under http://localhost/default.aspx there is a working sharepoint website.

Have you got any ides where might be the problem?

Best Answer

IIS does provide detailed error message and 404 is very generic. If you could provide some more information about the error or a screenshot will help a lot.

You said you have a working SharePoint web site as a parent site, a new application within SharePoint handled web site will not work. You will need to exclude the folder through SharePoint to get it working.


I suggest you create a new appPool and then change your applications appPool to the new appPool. Your appPool's Managed pipeline mode should be configured to Classic