Error creating a project in Google Cloud Platform


My ultimate goal is to install the Python API for Google Earth Engine by running a Datalab Docker container on Google Cloud Platform. As part of the instructions, I needed to install Google Cloud SDK. I have done that and logged into my account after running "gcloud init." However, I cannot create a project on the command line or on web interface. When I try to create a project through the command line, I get the following error message:

Cloud Service disabled by admin. Please contact admin to restore service.

And when I try to create it through the web interface, I just get

Unknown error. 

Now, after digging for a bit, it seems that I need to log into and change some settings/permissions. However, I can't even do this, because I fall into an infinite loop with Google's log in page because it doesn't recognize my password (for the record, I know I'm using the right password, since I can log into other pages with it). It just says: 

Something went wrong
Sorry, something went wrong there. Try again.

Also, I cannot subscribe to the Free Trial because I'm using my institution's email address and I don't have authorization to submit billing information through it.

Any help will be much appreciated. 


Best Answer

As mentioned above by Navi, the problem was with the account type that I was using, since it didn't have the required privileges/permissions. Given that it was an institutional account, it is not a "full" Google account. Everything worked once I redid everything using my regular Gmail account.

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