Error in icingaweb2 setup (openSUSE, nginx)


I have been trying to setup icinga2/icingaweb2 in our office following exclusively the official documentation. The base system is openSUSE (Leap 42.1) and the webserver is nginx.

Everything works smoothly and I can install all elements without problem after fixing one error: in $releasever searches for "Leap 42" and there is no such folder, so I replaced that with a static "13.2" which is currently the latest release for openSUSE. For the installation of icinga2 I followed the documentation and everything worked out without errors.

To install icingaweb2 I follow this official document. The problem appears when I get to the point "Preparing Web Setup" – it looks absolutely straight forward with no option for error even for the biggest noob.

As it states, I try to access …/icingaweb2/setup and receive Error 404. The icingaweb2.conf file is in the right place, nginx/php5 is up and running, all databases are in place… Everything looks correct.

Has anyone had this problem or a suggestion from where it might originate? I could submit additional data if requested. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

We primarily focus on the SLES releases for SuSE at the moment, so the OpenSuSE releases might not be up to date.

There is however a package maintained by the SuSE guys over on OBS.

The package seems to install icingaweb2.conf somewhere into the Apache's config.

Make sure that the file is there and Apache is reloaded (without errors).

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