Error loading /scsi-qla.v01, fatal error:33


I am facing an issue, seems to be a rare one. No one has asked this question in any of the blog except for this. One of my Esxi 5.1 host (not an actual server, but just a physical workstation acting as a server) was working till last week. Don't know what happened suddenly, it started showing the error as shown below:

enter image description here

I can't try installing a fresh Esxi on top of this, as there is so much of data residing on this. Are there anyone who faced this kind of issue? Any idea on how to solve this, besides the way this mentioned?

Best Answer

Basically, my ESXi installation, became corrupted. I fixed it with the 3rd option.


  1. Fix as per this article

HOW TO: Fix the Error loading /s.v00 Fatal error: 33 (Inconsistent data) in the VMware vSphere Hypervisor

  1. Recovery Mode - Press Shift and R at ESXi Boot, if you have ever upgraded ESXi, you will be able to rollback, to the previous version, and the upgrade again.

  2. Re-install ESXi. When re-installing, it will discover the older installation, and ask to upgrade or re-install, if you perform a re-install it will discover the existing VMFS partition, and ask you if you want to PRESERVE, select YES, and this will keep all your VMs, and then later at power on, just re-register the VMs with Inventory, which is browse the datastore, browse the folder, select the VMX file, Right Click and select Register VM

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