ERROR The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship


My Windows Server 2008 RC 2 hard drive just died. Server was acting as domain controller and DNS for my company (it's small, less than 10 PCs).

I reinstalled WinServer 2008 on a new hard drive, named the server the same name, created the same users with the same passwords, etc.. When a user tries to log in on their computer with their domain account it says:

The security database on the server does not have a computer account 
for this workstation trust relationship

Is there any way I can modify something on the server to allow me to fix this? I don't want to recreate the accounts in every PC and have them rejoin the domain. This is a small server, domain is mostly used to share files and folders between PCs.

Best Answer

You're going to have to recreate the accounts and rejoin the PC's to the domain. What you did was effectively start over. You should have restored a backup of the DC properly:

If you still have a backup of the old server, it would be wise to look at restoring it properly, especially if it was also a file server. But it's up to you...with a small shop you could look at just recreating things and rejoining computers.