Error when trying to add Zabbix calculated item


I am trying to add a calculated item based on a web scenario response time. I am trying to add an item like so:

avg("web.test.time[fut_perf,index,resp]", #5)+avg("web.test.time[fut_perf,about,resp]" #5)

I am hoping to get the combined value of both averages over 5 polls. I am getting the error:

ERROR: Page received incorrect data

    Warning. Incorrect value for [Formula]

I have also tried:

avg("web.test.time[fut_perf,index,resp]", 120)+avg("web.test.time[fut_perf,about,resp]" 120)
avg("web.test.time[fut_perf,index,resp]", 120)
avg(web.test.time[fut_perf,index,resp], 120)+avg(web.test.time[fut_perf,about,resp] 120)
avg(web.test.time[fut_perf,index,resp], 120)

Zabbix version is 1.8.4. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Is it possible that web scenario items are not supported in calculated items?

Best Answer

One thing that stands out is you're missing a comma in the 2nd average:
