Establishing communication between two exchange 2010 servers on the same domain


I just added a second exchange 2010 server to my domain, but internal e-mails sent to mailboxes on on the other server seem to get lost.

JohnS' mail box is on EX01 and BobT's mail box is on EX02

John sends bob an e-mail (internal), but bob doesn't ever get the e-mail. But, both are receiving e-mails from the outside world just fine and sending to external addresses fine.

Now let's say Susie's mail box is on EX01. Both her and John can send mail to one another but not to or from Bob.

The problem is all internal. EX01 and EX02 are in the same domain but seem to not be sending to one another.

Need some help, thanks!

Best Answer

Do you have connectors setup properly between the 2 machines?

Connectors between 2 Exchange servers