ESXi 5.5 Configuration Not Saved After Reboot


I just installed a new copy of ESXi 5.5 onto a USB (32GB) stick and am trying to set up the configuration. However, when I reboot the server the cahnges I made to configuration like Ip's SSH settings ect. are blanked and revert to the install settings. Any ideas on what is happening and how I can get persistent settings?

Another note is that my server is on a SuperMicro X10SLM+-F MoBo booting from a SanDisk USB 3.0 flash drive, the VM's data store is from a LSI MegaRaid Controller.

the bootbank and altbootbank partitions do not exist from what I can see.

Best Answer

Your server's booting to the image on the USB drive, but once it's booted to the image it's unable to mount the storage that it booted from; because of this, it's in stateless mode: no VIBs will stick and no configuration will stick because it cannot store them.

Your BIOS knows how to work with your storage, but ESXi does not. I'd guess that ESXi doesn't have drivers for the USB controller that you've got it plugged into.