ESXi alerts to consolidate but there were no snapshots taken


I recently came a cross a disk failure on our server and got the disk replaced. Due to this disk failure there were certain issues which raised and now its going up and down. What my problem is that, on our ESXi we've set-up ghettoVCB script to backup all our VM's. Very recently due this disk degrade, few of our VM's shows an error as Configuration Issues – Virtual Machine disks consolidation is needed.

enter image description here

When I had a look into the snapshot manager of those VM's, I did not find any snapshots. So, I assume this is because of the back scrip we use and I'm wondering how to fix this without loosing any of the DATA(s) or the VM.

If anyone can guide me how to fix this.. will be a great help.


One of VM cannot be consolidated as it gives below error.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is tied to your backup solution. VMware details the process here.

It's harmless.

All you need to do is select the "Consolidate" option from the VM's snapshot menu.

enter image description here