/etc/init.d/exim queue runner


I'm having trouble getting my exim daemon to run according to the init.d script settings. The main problem is with the QUEUE variable. I've set it 5m to have it spawn another queue runner as needed.

Up until now it has worked, but now, when I restart exim, the command that get's issued is:

/usr/sbin/exim -bd -q60m

When it should say:

/usr/sbin/exim -bd -q5m

The first thing I did was to make sure that the init.d/exim script was still correct, and it is. I've looked in the exim.conf and I can't find anything there.

My only other thought is maybe cPanel is interfering with the start up because after restarting exim the script echos:

/usr/local/bin/cpanel/update_sa_rules is running in the background

I've been trying to see where the $QUEUE variable might be added elsewhere, but haven't seen anything yet. Would appreciate your help if you've seen this before.

Notes: This is for Exim 4.82, CentOS 5.10

Best Answer

You don't specify where you set the QUEUE variable. On a CentOS system, the exim init script typically checks for the existence of an /etc/sysconfig/exim file with configuration settings. If it doesn't find /etc/sysconfig/exim, the init script sets some default settings, of which QUEUE is typically 1 hour. Double check your /etc/sysconfig/exim file and make sure that there is only one QUEUE setting and that is where you are changing it. Having said this, your system appears to be a CPanel system, which could have altered the exim init script and/or defaults in some way.

Another possibility is that /etc/init.d/exim restart isn't actually shutting down this exim process for some unknown reason. Verify that it is by looking at the start time of the exim queue runner process after you do a restart. If it's still some time or date way in the past, then the process isn't getting restarted.