RHEL 8 – /etc/resolv.conf Missing After Installation


I have installed RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (minimal install) on my local server, and got some docker related issues.

Then I found that /etc/resolv.conf was missing.

After executing "systemctl reload NetworkManager", the file was made and docker worked.

I'm not sure why I have to reload NetworkManager to create resolv.conf and whether my network is working properly. Is there any common way to do this on RHEL8?

Best Answer

By default, NetworkManager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 dynamically updates the /etc/resolv.conf file with the DNS settings from active NetworkManager connection profiles.

If you don't want dynamic updates by NetworkManager set


in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/90-dns-none.conf

and reload the NetworkManager with

systemctl reload NetworkManager

The procedure is documented in more detail in the RHEL 8 documentation