Ethernet frames: what are the source and destination MAC addresses

ethernetmac addressnetworking

Imagine you have some network configured like this

+-----+   +------+   +------+   +-----+
|  A  |---|   B  |---|   C  |---|  D  |
+-----+   +------+ ^ +------+   +-----+
                    -- Here!

If computer A sends an ethernet packet to computer D…

  1. The source IP is going to be A and the destination IP is going to be D.
  2. What are going to be the MAC addresses on it at the marked segment?

I think I narrowed it down to two possibilities:

  • Possibility 1:
    • Source MAC is B
    • Destination MAC is C
  • Possibility 2:
    • Source MAC is A
    • Destination MAC is D

Which — if any — is correct?

Thanks for your time?

PS: I expect to be commended on my ASCII art skills. Be sure to leave a comment below.

Best Answer

Source MAC = A

Destination MAC = C

Why: When A needs to send data to another host it first determines whether or not the detination host is on the local network. Upon determining that the destination is not local, A sends the data to it's configured default gateway, which is C.

Why not B? Because switches (bridges) when operating at layer 2 don't modify the source or destination MAC address. A router on the other hand, will modify the source MAC address, substituting the original source MAC address with it's own MAC address.

Why not D? Because A knows that D is not on the local network and that it is not directly reachable. A knows that it needs to send the data to it's DG and will ARP for the DG rather than ARP'ing for D.