Examples of Exp tool to export data from Oracle db table to text file


I need to export data from an Oracle database and then import the data to another oracle database. To import data, I can use SQLLDR tool to load a flat text file. To do that, I have to generate this flat text file from a Oracle database table first.

Are there any examples to use this tool? I need to pass Oracle database name, schema name with user/pwd, table name, constrains, and date time column format information to generate a text file. This text file will be used by SQLLDR tool.

Best Answer

You'd be better off using EXP/IMP or EXPDP/IMPDP if transferring from one Oracle database to another. They are covered in the Utilities manual

If you MUST use a CSV file, the unloader tool on the AskTom site. But be careful to check dates/timestamps and any exotic datatypes.