Exchange 2003 Offline Defrag


Looking to do my first offline defrag this weekend on Exchange 2003.

Our Exchange DB is on E drive and server1 is the temporary location where there is sufficient space.

Dismount the store and change to c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin

Does this look like the correct command to run?

eseutil /d "e:\exchdata\priv1.edb /t"\\server1\exchtemp\tempdfg.edb"

Is there anything I should be aware of such as backups running at the same time etc?

Best Answer

Everything I've read recommends copying the eseutil related binaries to the non-Exchange server and then copying the database and streaming file that you want to defrag to the non-Exchange server. I've never heard of anyone running eseutil over the network and I think it's a bad idea for a number of reasons:

  1. It's going to run considerably slower.

  2. The risk of corrupting or otherwise damaging the files would seem to be much greater.

Here's what I would suggest instead:

Get a USB drive large enough for the defrag (at least 110% of the size of the database) and set that as your temp location. Disable any AV software for the duration of the defrag and hold your Exchange backups until the defrag is complete.