Exchange 2003 – use a smarthost for all mail, even local domain, howto


I have an exchange instance installed and working, but I do not want this machine to delivery email itself. To explain:-

Exchange server hosts domain User A logs in to send a message to Exchange looks up this user, and delivers it locally. This message never leaves this box. I need this message to pass through another system, where all mail for domain is handled and distributed/logged etc correctly.

How can I configure exchange to believe that it is NOT the MX for the domain on which it sits?

Best Answer

If it is for a limited number of users, then this can accomplished with Custom Recipients (a.k.a. aliases). For "bulk" redirection to another server, then this can be accomplished through the SMTP connector - Ultimately, "swinging" the MX is the "better" route, if there is no other reasons for the emails to flow though the subject server.