Exchange 2007 mail.queue keeps growing then shuts down transport


I have an exchange 2007 SP2 server where the Hub Transport log files, specifically the mail queue database keeps growing to 4GB, then the Exchange Transport service shuts down.

Once I delete the logs folder including the mail queue file, I can restart the transport server.

The problem is, it keeps growing to 4GB within 1 hour and the whole cycle repeats.

I'm looking for some advise on how to troubleshoot this. I've been trying many suggestions found on google however they all point to fixing the issue once, nothing about stopping it from reoccurring.

Thank you

Best Answer

It would depend heavily on what is in the queue. It's possible you're being spammed relentlessly. It's also possible that you are receiving a lot of non-delivery notifications, or that you are sending nondelivery notifications to the queue. In either of these cases, you might have a lot of nondeliverable mail in the queue, but depending on your configuration it may sit there for days until it is purged.

Check the hub transport logs. They will tell you what it is thrashing about doing.