Exchange 2007 OWA – Can log in, but no graphics / broken images


We have an OWA server that we need to setup on Exchange 2007 SP1 on Server 2008. OWA is enabled under client access. I am able to get to the OWA web site, login, and authenticate. However, all of the graphics are broken ([X] = broken image):

Connected to Microsoft Exchange [X] M Find Someone [X] [X] Options …

NOTE: can't use image tags as a new user

I'm pretty sure this is the result of a bad root pointer somewhere, but I can't seem to find the location. Since this affects all relative paths, the site doesn't "work" either, likely due to scripts with bad pointers.

I can't get the graphics themselves to display either. Trying:

does not display an image, despite looking "correct" based on the directory structure in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\owa\

Any ideas?
Exchange is otherwise *knock* working fine.

Best Answer

Hi it is easier to execute the following procedure.

FIX: Step 1) Load the Exchange Management Shell

Step 2) Navigate to your Exchange Bin directory via the management shell - usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin

Step 3) Run the UpdateOWA.ps1 script (done by entering .\UpdateOWA.ps1)

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