Exchange 2007 owa http is giving me 403 error rather than redirecting ever since certificate renewal


Redirect has been working fine to when users connect to they get redirected to a log in page at It's just using the redirect setting in IIS. Then today I created a new ssl certificate and replaced the old one on this Exchange server. Now, I can connect directly to just fine and it shows it is using the new certificate, however if I go to then I get a 403 http error.

It does work if I go to, then it will still redirect to the /owa site, but if I use plain http, then I get the errror.

I'm stumped!! I've tried unchecking the redirect setting, restarting IIS and re-enabling the redirect setting, which did no good. Everything else I've found with googling either has no solution or just gives instructions for enabling the redirect setting.

Again: this was working fine until I renewed the ssl certificate.

Best Answer

Exchange likes to set "SSL Required" on the IIS Web Site, which will cause this error for HTTP. Check the info under "For a Configuration in Which SSL is Required on the Default Web Site":