Exchange 2010 – Get a list of emails received and sent by domain


I have an Exchange 2010 server listening on a couple of different domains. So it receives and sends emails destinated and originating from several domains.

Now we want to get rid of a specific domain gradually and what I would like to do now is get a list of all the emails received or sent using that specific domain that we wants to get rid of. So we can figure how this domain is still getting used before getting rid of it.


Best Answer

You can use Powershell to retrieve this and dump it to a log file if you want.

Search for messages sent TO any users at

Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start "10/1/2013" -End "10/25/2013" | where{$_.recipients -like "*"} | select-object Timestamp,SourceContext,Source,EventId,MessageSubject,Sender,{$_.Recipients} | export-csv C:\ExchangeLogResults.txt

Search for messages sent FROM users at

Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start "10/1/2013" -End "10/25/2013" | where{$_.sender -like "*"} | select-object Timestamp,SourceContext,Source,EventId,MessageSubject,Sender,{$_.Recipients} | export-csv C:\ExchangeLogResults.txt