Exchange 2010 mail forward – recipient same as sender



I have a mailbox at gmail. (
I have a mailbox at Exchange 2010 (mymailbox@company.local)

I set mailforward in Ex2010: every mail forwarded what i got in exchange automatically forwarded to Gmail mailbox too.

If i send an e-mail to my EX2010 mailbox i got it and succesfully forward to my gmail box.

But if i send an e-mail from my "" to "mymailbox@company.local" :

  • i got my mail in EX2010 (mymailbox@company.local)
  • but the mail did not forwarded back to my e-mail. (

  • We checked the log files and mail forwarded, but mail never arrived.

  • We asked our ISP and they saw GMAIL receives our mail, but mail never arrived to my GMAIL mailbox.

We just recently changed from exchange 2003 to exchange 2010. And earlier this forwarding is worked well on EX 2003.

What should we configure in Exchange 2010 to work this again? (In the tracking log explorer we saw the mail which was fordwarded send by the same address which is the recipient address. We think GMAIL block this mails 'coz the ISP told us, gmail receive the e-mails with headers "the header maybee modified"..or somethink like that.

Thank you for any suggestion,

Best Answer

Look at Sembee's comments here, specifically about creating a forwarding rule WITHIN the mailbox

This will change the FROM address since it is getting the email and then forwarding it from the mailbox mybox@domain.local

To do this:

  1. Open the mybox@domain.local in Outlook
  2. Create a new Rule
  3. Click Advanced Options or "create a blank rule" (depends on Outlook version)
  4. On "Select Conditions" just click Next
  5. It will say "This rule will be applied to every message you receive. Is this correct?"
  6. Click YES
  7. Check "Forward it to people or public group" and at the bottom click the hyperlink and choose the gmail contact from the GAL
  8. Apply the rule and close Outlook

That should do it...

But if you want to try a transport rule, try something like this:

enter image description here

That might get you what you want.

BTW, why the need (beyond testing) to have an email from simply come straight back to