Exchange 2010 Mail stuck in Queue


Yesterday we got hit by a barrage of spam around 250/Min and caused our exchange queues to go a bit spazzy (in a technical sense) I stopped mail at our External relay so we could get this back under control. Once the exchange server stabilised and I had killed most of the spam at the relay I allow mail to flow again (and its working finer now) But my issue is that:

I have noticed that there are 110 messages stuck in the Submission queue in a Suspended state and a few in retry state. These are all spam messages but when I try and remove them the tool does not appear in the GUI. I can use the Get-Queue power shell command to see the queues but when I try and drill down I cannot get into the Submission queue only our SMTP connector.

This is Exchange 2010 SP2,


When I view the Queues I get the below

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-queue

Identity                                    DeliveryType Status MessageCount NextHopDomain
--------                                    ------------ ------ ------------ -------------
EXCHANGE1\234                               MapiDelivery Ready  0            mainstore
EXCHANGE1\242                               SmartHost... Ready  0            smtp.***local
EXCHANGE1\Submission                        Undefined    Ready  109          Submission

I have retried my Powershell and below is the output.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Retry-Queue Submission -Resubmit $true
The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity Submission


Best Answer

I had the same issue fixed with the first resource

First resources: Some e-mail messages become stuck in an Exchange Server

Second resources : About the Poison Message Queue and the Unreachable Queue

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