Exchange 2010 Management Console missing


I have installed the Exchange Management Console in Windows 10 Pro for manage a Exchange 2010 server. It connects to the server, even the Exchange Management Shell (Power Shell) connects without problem. But I'm stuck because the console tree shows only Microsoft Exchange -> Microsoft Exchange On-Premises (, but there are not any other nodes (Organization configuration, Server configuration, etc.)
I'm using a domain admin account, and also tried run the console 'as administrator' with the same result.
Exchange Management Console
enter image description here

Best Answer

The Exchange 2010 Management Tools are only supported on Windows 7 or Vista. You may get lucky and have it work on Windows 10 but there is no support for this setup.

You can install the Exchange 2010 management tools on the following Windows operating systems:

Windows 7

Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Windows Server 2008 SP2

Windows Server 2008 R2