Exchange 2010: NDR with strange addresses when sending mail internally


We are working on deploying Exchange 2010. We are new to this so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.

We have had AD configured for some time now and are now gradually deploying Exchange 2010. We have had users receive the follow NDR:

From: Microsoft Outlook
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:42 PM
To: Jane Doe
Subject: Undeliverable: Quarterlies

 Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

 Jane Doe

 The e-mail address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the
 recipient's e-mail address and try to resend the message. If the problem
 continues, please contact your helpdesk.


  1. What exactly are these addresses? The user used auto-complete via Outlook and this is what it resulted in. Some searches lead me to believe it's something from Outlook's cached addres book? But where did it get it from? These are 2 completely new users in a new Exchange 2010 so it's not stale cache.

  2. How do we fix this?

Best Answer

quoted from:

"The problem is the cached Outlook nicknames are remember the information from the old Active Directory (Blue). Even though a user types in a fully qualified email address like outlook remembers used to be Outlook tries to simply take the old username from the old domain and put that in the new domain. So it tries to send to

Which makes the email bounce.

To resolve this issue:

We need to clear the Outlook nickname cache.

On XP/2000 the cache file is here:

C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\.NK2

Close Outlook and delete the .NK2 file to get Outlook to forget previously entered information.

Under Vista it is here:


Close Outlook and delete the .NK2 file to get Outlook to forget previously entered information.

Deleting the .NK2 file only deletes the Outlook Cached addresses it does NOT delete the address book."

Hope this helps!

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