Exchange 2010 search mailbox specific date range


I've been using Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP2. I want to delete user's mails within specific date range. How can I do that? BTW, When to running below command then I've got the following the error.

Search-Mailbox -Identity xxxxx -SearchQuery "Received:> $('01/01/2009') and Received:< $('12/31/2009')" -DeleteContent

Here is my error message :

A search keyword should not be preceeded with comparison modifiers eg. '<', '>', '='.    
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], ParserException    
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 61B67608


As you mentioned,I've done literally your comments. But ,

Even though about 6000 emails within user's mailbox,it's returned 18 emails below command.

Search-Mailbox -Identity xxxxxxx -SearchQuery {((Received -lt '01 Oct 2009') -and (Received -gt '01 Aug 2013'))} -TargetMailbox targetmailbox -TargetFolder testxx -LogOnly

Best Answer

The reason for you error is because special characters are not escaped. The easiest way is to use double quotes around the value instead of single quotes. Also if you'd like to use a date range then you can use the '..' operator.

So Search-Mailbox xxxxx -SearchQuery "Received:(1/1/2009..12/31/2009)"

This will search for all mail received between 1/1/2009 12:00 am and 12/31/2009 12:00 am.