Exchange 2010 transport rules with external mail


Firstly, I'm new with exchange 2010 and I'm learning about administrating in my job.

We have exchange 2010 in a business and we need to redirect a mail to external mail.

I search for information and I see that this is posible with transport rules, but I try to do a rule, and this fails at send the mail to external mail.

I try to explain with exemple:

Internal mail ( [internal exchange 2010]
External mail (
Sender mail (

When sends mail to resend this mail to

To do this I did a rule.

Apply rule to messages
of ''
and sent to ''
and redirect message to ''.

But this doesn't work for external mail.

I think that transport rule is active, because when i sent it, i can see in Management Console > Toolbox > Delivery report, that the mail is redirected to but this is failing.

It says:
"Not found this recipient. Check the email address. But the mail is correct."

It seems like only doesn't work external mail, because if I change the rule to internal@internal.local it works

What im doing wrong?

Thanks for all.

Best Answer

Create the contact with an SMTP address of and uncheck the `automatically update email addresses" button.

In the EMC, in the actual mailbox (the original internal one) setup forwarding and choose to forward all email to this newly created contact.

That should handle it just fine if you are talking a broad sweep of all emails for that address.