Exchange 2010 user mail is autoforwarding, but autoforwarding is not setup


Really confused here, we use Exchange 2010 and one of our users (call them Alice) is having all their mail auto-forwarded to another user (call them Bob).

Alice has no rules set up at all and looking at the Exchange Management console, there is no auto-forwarding set up on her mailbox.

I ran this PowerShell:

get-mailbox -Identity Alice@domain.tld | select-object Name, ForwardingAddress

And it showed no ForwardingAddress. I ran another one:

$mbox = Get-Mailbox -Identity Alice@domain.tld; $mbox | Foreach {Get-Inbox Rule -Mailbox $_}

And the only rule that was there was the "Clear categories on mail" one.

I am entirely stumped by this one as those are the only two places I know of that have anything to do with auto-forwarding messages.

Any help would be awesome.

Best Answer

The first question has to be whether the user has wanted to forward their email to this other user in the past.

If so, can the user remember how they set it up?

I would be looking at delegates, and possibly resetting the rules engine within Outlook - Exchange doesn't always show all of the rules, particularly if you have a corrupt one.