Exchange 2013 Autodiscover Internally


I've configured a fresh Exchange 2013 server on a 2012 box.
It's all working correctly aside from that internal computers will not run the autodiscover wizard.

I have attempted multiple troubleshooting steps and none have been successful. It does autodiscover externally. Also the Microsoft Test Connectivity passes successfully (aside from the SSL identity, which is fine as I'm deploying the self-signed cert with a GPO.).

The error I'm receiving on the client is:

The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action.

If I set the connection settings manually with HTTP etc. it does connect, however then there are still problems moving emails between folders.
Plus, I cannot afford to go around every machine doing this manually.

Best Answer

How did you setup your internal URLs and URI for autodiscover? What DNS names are you using internally? Did you create an autodiscover DNS record(s) to point to the internal Exchange 2013 server? After starting Outlook, right click the outlook icon in the taskbar tray while holding CTRL and choose "Test email autoconfiguration" and then press the "Test" button. What are the results?