503 Error – Fix Exchange 2013 ECP/OWA/Outlook Service Unavailable


My exchange server is really suffering at the moment. I do not know what has happened but when I connect via https (ECP/OWA) or via outlook (with in the network) I get 503 errors on ECP/OWA and Disconnected/Trying to connect in Outlook. I assume it is the same issue for both.

I think Exchange itself is OK, because I can use IMAP to send/receive emails. So I think it is something to do with the IIS configuration.

I get the 503 error when I log in. I get the log in page, but after logging in (correct username/pwd) then I get a blank screen with the error in the console (chrome browser). The only thing I have done today was to try a new SSL certificate, but had issues with the internal domain and external domain. I have put the SSL certificate for IIS Default site back to "Microsoft Exchange" However, it was all working when I finished this. I tested two client machines to ensure it was working.

The app pools all seem correct and are running under local admin. I have tried swapping the certificates back again, just in case, but no effect.

I have tried every combination of google search possible which has lead me to try the things I have said in the post. Unsure why it was downvoted, very unhelpful without any constructive comments.

I am now very much at a loss.

Here is some of the IIS log:

2015-07-22 23:04:36 RPC_IN_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll 21ad25c4-4c9d-4367-b673-4ae3e772253e@company.org.uk:6001&CorrelationID=<empty>;&RequestId=1e098a25-e9c7-4229-b6b8-7aeb35633d87&cafeReqId=1e098a25-e9c7-4229-b6b8-7aeb35633d87; 443 - MSRPC - 401 1 2148074254 1
2015-07-22 23:04:36 RPC_OUT_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll 21ad25c4-4c9d-4367-b673-4ae3e772253e@company.org.uk:6001&CorrelationID=<empty>;&RequestId=4c1a6653-5f3b-4485-b4e2-03e59dc533be&cafeReqId=4c1a6653-5f3b-4485-b4e2-03e59dc533be; 443 - MSRPC - 401 1 2148074254 3
2015-07-22 23:04:36 RPC_OUT_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll 21ad25c4-4c9d-4367-b673-4ae3e772253e@company.org.uk:6001&CorrelationID=<empty>;&RequestId=4c22cf89-4716-4ff2-b509-1abc2e7454b8&cafeReqId=4c22cf89-4716-4ff2-b509-1abc2e7454b8; 443 RBC\bates MSRPC - 503 0 64 44
2015-07-22 23:04:36 RPC_IN_DATA /rpc/rpcproxy.dll 21ad25c4-4c9d-4367-b673-4ae3e772253e@company.org.uk:6001&CorrelationID=<empty>;&RequestId=aae0ff8d-28d2-4c3d-8b76-7949291676e3&cafeReqId=aae0ff8d-28d2-4c3d-8b76-7949291676e3; 443 RBC\bates MSRPC - 503 0 64 167

This seems to be related (it is the 503 error)

Best Answer

No thanks to the helpful down voters. The nice people at Experts Exchange helped out.

The solution was the SSL certificate seemed to have come off of the Exchange Backend website. Selected the Exchange certificate on the IIS site and it started working. for all the details please see http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28699498/Exchange-2013-ECP-OWA-Outlook-all-failing-503-Service-Unavailable.html