Exchange 2013 OWA/ECP redirect loop


I have an issue with a fresh Exchange 2013 install on a 2K8r2 box that is fully updated as well as Exchange 2013 updated to CU3.

When attempting to access /owa or /ecp in Chrome, I get "This webpage has a redirect loop" ("Error code: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"). IE just breaks the connection and Firefox gives a similar error to Chrome. This happens on HTTPS and HTTP, locally using FQDN and IP as well as remotely using FQDN and IP. I have reset the OWA and ECP virtual directories and still have the same problem. I have made sure there are no HTTP Redirects enabled on the sites or virtual sites.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This was caused by the default IIS user not being set to the appropriate IUSR user for various virtual directories and application pools.