Exchange 2013 receives email but doesn’t deliver it


We have a single exchange 2013 server. Recently a user has said that emails are being sent to them from external addresses but not arriving.

Having a look at the Message Tracking Log (Get-MessageTrackingLog - ResultSize Unlimited -Start "nov 9 2013" -End "nov 11 2013" | Out-GridView) shows that the message was received by the server (there is a SEND event, Source=SMTP from the email address in question) but there was no DELIVER event for that email.

I can find 2 occasions in the last couple of days where this has happened, with two separate senders (same recipient).

What else should I check?

Best Answer

Found the email. It was delivered to SpamQuarantine Mailbox, not to the user. It was in the transport log and appeared as being sent from to instead of the original from/to

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