Exchange emails in subfolders will not sync using windows mobile


There are no emails in the subfolders i can only sync the emails that is located in the Inbox. I have also tried creating a folder at the same level as Inbox but the emails will not sync. The client is HTC HD 2 and HTC HD mini with windows mobile.
The subfolders in the Inbox are listed but not the emails inside them.

Its Exchange 2007 and it works fine on the computer with outlook 2007.

I moved one email from the Inbox to a subfolder and it worked, but when i sync it disappeared. I did this on my Windows Mobile device. When i checked on the computer the email showed up in the subfolder.

I got it working on Adroid so i have edited the question.

Best Answer

That is how it is. NOt all windows versions support sub-folders. At the end of the day you havet t live with it and organize your email according to that - i.e. not use subfolders, retire from android or get a current vversion from windows mobile / exchange.

U use a Mobile 6.5 / Exchagne 2010 setup here, and I see the subfolders. I remember that being a problem with older verions of Windows Mobile, though.

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