Exchange mailboxes are reaching their limit what can I do


I have an exchange server which has mailboxes that are over 68GB, I understand that the maximum size of mailboxes is only 75GB which we expect to pass in the very near future. What can I do about this?

I have another license of exchange that I could install and setup, is it possible to do this and move some mailboxes on to this and essentially give myself a 150GB limit spread across 2 servers?

Another advice or helpful links would be great


Best Answer

What you can do about it is to develop a sensible approach and ensure your users do likewise. After discussing the problem with those concerned you may want to impose quotas, which will force your users to start doing some housekeeping. What you don't want to do is to let this runaway situation continue unabated.

It's an unfortunate fact that far too many people think of their mailbox as a kind of filing cabinet. This attitude has to be broken, even though you're going to annoy the crap out of your users in the process. Sometimes being a sysadmin is a bit like being an army drill sergeant - if everyone likes you you're probably not doing it right.

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