Exchange Server 2010 Receive Connector Issue


I'm having a small issue with sending email on my Exchange 2010 Server. If I send email with Outlook and OWA, it works no problem, the issue is with Thunderbird, but I imagine I have my connectors configured incorrectly. I can receive email with no problems.

I have my hub transport server setup on a different VLAN and if I setup a mail client on that VLAN I can send mail no problem. If I am on a different VLAN, the SMTP ports are not visible for some reason. Its not a firewall issue, I checked. Any ideas?

Best Answer

How did you check that there is firewall issue? If it is not firewall issue, may be it is the hub between the VLANs issue? Can you connect to the SMTP port using TELNET?

c:\> telnet <ip-address> <smtp-port>

Such as:

c:\> telnet 25

Port 25 is the default SMTP port.