Exchange System Attendant wont start


When I try the start the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service. I get the following error in the event log.

"Unexpected error No authority could be contacted for authentication. ID no: 80090311 Microsoft Exchange System Attendant occurred. "

This is a new install of Exchange Server 2010

Edit: More log info

Along with this error 2 more are happening at the same time in the Event Viewer, both system errors.
NETLOGON and Security-Kerberos

This computer could not authenticate with \Computer.Domain.lan, a Windows domain controller for domain XXX, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests. This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the same network using the same name or the password for this computer account is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system administrator.

The digitally signed Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) that contains the authorization information for client XXX$ in realm DOMAIN.LAN could not be validated.

This error is usually caused by domain trust failures; please contact your system administrator.

Best Answer

It sounds like the Exchange server can't communicate with a Domain Controller. Can you give us some specifics on your setup.