Execute bash script as root from normal user


I am trying to execute a bash script as root from a normal user. The story behind is that I need the www-data user to be able to kill a specific process. To avoid having apache being able to go mayhem on processes I've created the following bash script


PID=$(pgrep mono)
kill -9 $PID

To be able to perform this, I have done an apt-get install sudo and then with visudo added the following line to the bottom of the file

myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /path/to/script/foo.sh

But when I sign into myuser and try to run /path/to/script/foo.sh I receive the following error -bash: /path/to/script/foo.sh: Permission denied

The current permission of the file are as follows

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   48 Nov  7 12:11 foo.sh

Thank you!

Best Answer

To use sudo, you need to prefix your command with "sudo". ie:

$ sudo /path/to/script/foo.sh