Expand VD in Raid PERC H710, Dell R720 mini


I have purchased Dell R720 server with PERC H710 Raid Controller. Initially I have configured RAID-10 with 6 SAS 300GB Drives. Installed Win2008 R2.
After deployment I come to add 2 more 300GB to array. Now I am unable to expand these two drives into existing RAID-10 neither Online nor from RAID Configuration Utility (PERC H710 Mini Bios Configuration Utility 4.03-0002)
In RAID-BIOS "Expand VB Size" option is disabled.

? how can I expand my RAID-10, and add more drives to array?

Best Answer

See Perc H710 User Guide, p 18 :

Reconfiguration Of Virtual Disks

An online virtual disk can be reconfigured in ways that expands its capacity and/or change its RAID level.

NOTE: Spanned virtual disks such as RAID 10, 50, and 60 cannot be reconfigured.

As I understand it, Raid 10 VD cannot be expanded.