Export GAL to Outlook contacts automatically



we need to sync all our contacts (Exchange 2010) with our Iphone mobiles (and maybee with android devices too..but later..).

So we need to add contacts from exchange gal to users contacts folder….

Is it possible to do this automatically? To keep the user contacts list up-to-date? I think if i can export GAL to Users contact as logon script or someting like this may do the trick for me?!

How its possible?

thank you

Best Answer

Essentially you need to copy the GAL contacts from the address book to the user "Contacts" folder. You should be able to use Powershell to access the Outlook API and the copy contact functions to copy from the GAL to the current user's folder in the default MAPI profile upon login / using a loginscript, or perhaps launch the script after successfully logging into exchange.