Windows Server 2012 R2 – Extend Volume Failed but Partition Extended


Our notification system alerted me this morning that one of the virtual servers in a small cluster was running out of space on one of its disks. To head off the same on the other servers and other disks, I hopped into vSphere and expanded the size of all disks on all the servers, then hopped into Server Manager to extend each volume.

For 3 of the servers, this worked like a charm, but on one server, one disk failed to extend — the error in Server Manager was simply "Extend Failed". Logging into that server and opening Disk Management, I can see that the partition has been extended to 120 GB as it should, but the volume still has only an 80 GB capacity:

Disk 2 (E:) partition

I'm less concerned with how this happened than I am with how to fix it now that it has. I can't extend it because "Extend Volume" thinks it's 120 GB, yet the volume itself thinks it is only 80 GB. Worst-case scenario I can delete and re-create the volume, but as it would take time to rebuild the data I'd prefer to avoid that option if at all possible.

How do I get my E: drive to realize that it really does have 120 GB available to it, not merely 80 GB?

Best Answer

Try running extend filesystem for the volume in question in diskpart.

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